Let’s find the root cause of your health issues.

Too often the only help you can find is for symptom management, which can come with unwanted cost and side effects.

Through my unique, evidence-based approach, I’ll help you dig thoroughly into your symptoms, your genetics, your diet and lifestyle and work to discover the “why” behind all the issues.

Whatever health concerns you’re seeking support for, I approach every client with dedication, expertise, professionalism, compassion and a true desire to help you and support you!

Initial Consult

A one-time meeting (90 minutes) offering a detailed review of your health history and specific goals including:

  • Analysis of your diet and symptoms
  • The interconnectedness of your symptoms and potential root causes
  • Recommendations for moving forward to help you to reach your health goals
  • Educational handouts based on your recommendations
  • Analysis of lab work
  • Summary of your initial consultation with a plan moving forward

Genetic Testing Consultation Package

Do you suffer from chronic inflammation? Cardiovascular disease? Digestive issues? Autoimmune disease? Multiple food intolerance? Mast Cell Activation Syndrome? Inability to lose weight? Mood issues? Do you have a family history of autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or other disorders in your family?

We are not at the mercy of our DNA. Just because it “runs in the family” does not mean you have to end up with the same health issues. Through the science of epigenetics, it’s not our genes that create disease but the environment that programs our genes to create disease. These environmental factors include: pesticides, cigarette smoke, pollution, nutrient deficiencies, EMF, chronic stress, the standard American diet, sedentary lifestyle, and emotions. Therefore, when we know our genetics, we know how to support our unique DNA with the proper diet, lifestyle, and environment which can potentially prevent or improve disease.

Your genetic test package includes a consultation with a detailed explanation of your genetics, and a customized printout of dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations based on your unique DNA. You will have a total understanding of how your body works with the knowledge of how to take control of your health.

  • Includes Initial consultation as described above
  • Genetic testing (via saliva cheek swab)
  • Genetic test review consultation: a comprehensive explanation of your results with handouts and a detailed report description including dietary, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations based on your results.
  • Gluten intolerance
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Peanut allergy
  • Diabetes risk/insulin issues
  • Obesity risk
  • Lifestyle habits that may lead to weight gain and inflammation
  • Cardiovascular disease risk
  • Fats, Carbs, & Protein metabolism
  • Eating habits for weight loss
  • Inflammatory bowel disease risk
  • Celiac disease risk
  • Autophagy
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Methylation pathways
  • Detoxification pathways
  • Neurotransmitters and mood
  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Pesticide sensitivity
  • Potential vitamin deficiency/receptor cell issues (folate, B12, B6,
    vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E, iron anemia)
  • Glutathione production, regeneration, and utilization
  • Histamine metabolism (dietary and cellular)
  • Estrogen metabolism
  • Hormonal cancer risk
  • Alzheimer’s risk
  • Pesticide Sensitivity
  • Acetaminophen toxicity
  • Gut dysbiosis (FUT2 gene)
  • Factor V (genetic blood clotting disorder)
  • Prothrombin (thrombosis or cerebral stroke)
  • Homocysteine
  • Iron absorption
  • Autoimmune risk
  • and more…

1:1 Monthly Coaching Package

Ongoing customized nutrition and lifestyle coaching with the goal of discovering and resolving symptoms, and establishing best health practices for your lifestyle. Includes:

  • 2 one-hour consultations scheduled bi-weekly
  • Unlimited support via your client portal
  • Customized meal plan and recipes to help reduce inflammation, improve gut health, balance blood sugar, and improve energy
  • Educational handouts along with a summary of each meeting so you know the “why” of each recommendation. Knowledge is power!
  • Analysis of additional labs or tests
  • Continual analysis of diet, symptoms, and lifestyle

Working to resolve your specific health concerns through addressing:

  • How to balance blood sugar, fight fatigue, and increase energy
  • Understand and reduce food cravings
  • Optimize sleep
  • Reduce/eliminate inflammation
  • Optimize digestion: find relief from gas, bloating, acid reflux, constipation, and diarrhea
  • How to manage stress
  • Improve mood
  • Balance hormones
  • Discover and experience relief from food sensitivities
  • Ways to detox the body naturally
  • Toxin avoidance
  • I will educate, motivate, and empower you to take control of your health!

*Average commitment is 3 months.

Autoimmune Paleo or Modified Autoimmune Paleo Program

This 3-month program is ideal for anyone suffering from an autoimmune condition, chronic illness, or chronic inflammation that has not responded to other dietary or lifestyle changes.

I will guide you through the scientific based Autoimmune Paleo Protocol (AIP). AIP is a complementary approach to chronic disease management focused on providing the body with the nutritional resources required for immune regulation, gut health, hormone regulation and tissue healing while removing inflammatory stimuli from both diet and lifestyle. The AIP diet provides balanced and complete whole-food nutrition while avoiding processed and refined foods and empty calories. The result is decrease or relief of symptoms and knowing exactly which food/ingredients to avoid so you can experience and maintain a better quality of life. I will guide you step by step with support, handouts, recipes, and education to ensure your success. Once symptoms are significantly improved or eliminated (usually after 30–60 days), we will begin reintroducing foods in a very specific manner, one at a time, to determine the right foods for your unique body.

  • 6 one-hour follow-up sessions
  • Unlimited support via private client portal
  • Detailed handouts that clearly outline the program
  • AIP recipes/meal plans
  • Analysis of lab work

Functional Testing Available:

Coming Soon

6 Weeks to Digestive Freedom Group Program

A live course, taught by Debi Bryk over 6 weeks. Includes weekly meal plans, group support and motivation, weekly handouts and recommendations. Discover the root cause of your digestive disorders and how to conquer them naturally in this educational and supportive group class!

Week 1: HOW you eat and your digestion
Week 2: Your Microbiome and Why It’s Important
Week 3. Discovering Food Intolerances
Week 4: Find relief from Gas and Bloating
Week 5: Managing Stress
Week 6: Putting it all together, Q&A

Join the Group Program Waitlist