
About Debi Bryk

I am a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Certified in Functional Genomics, Certified Autoimmune Paleo Coach, Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner, and Reiki II Practitioner. I graduated from Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts and attended the School of Applied Functional Medicine. I am a member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP) which is the only professional business league dedicated to advancing holistically trained nutrition professionals.

Debi Bryk

The difference between a health coach and holistic nutritionist is that holistic nutrition professionals gain extensive clinical education and knowledge that broadens their Scope of Practice beyond the limitations of health coaching.

AIP Certified Coach is the only practitioner training program educating healthcare providers in the implementation of the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), an evidence-based dietary and lifestyle protocol to help autoimmune patients reach their health goals. AIP has been the subject of medical research investigating efficacy for managing autoimmune conditions.

AIP Certified Coach

My journey in nutrition began years ago when I sought out answers to my own health issues. I suffered from IBS, chronic constipation, nausea, stomach pain, and depression. I went to several conventional doctors but got no answers except to go on an antidepressant and remove my gallbladder. But I was determined to keep all of my organs, and I did not want to go on medication! I went to my local health food store and picked up a book on natural cures. I was able to heal my gallbladder disease with a few changes to my diet. This was confirmation that diet plays a huge role in our health, and when my obsession with nutrition began.

I began to educate myself so I could completely heal my body and help others do the same. Through my education, I learned how to heal my gut, which allowed me to enjoy food and life again, as well as alleviate my depression and IBS symptoms.

My desire is to educate, motivate, and inspire others so they too can achieve their optimal health.

If you are ready to take control of your health, let’s talk.